Real Estate Roundup: Feeling the Impact of Higher Rates

U.S. 从2022年3月到现在,商业房地产价格下跌了11%以上, when the Federal Reserve started hiking interest rates, and January 2024. 更大损失的可能性令市场降温,对一些业主和贷款机构仍构成重大风险.1

在住宅市场方面,全国现房价格中位数上涨了5%.在截至2024年4月的一年里,房价上涨了7%,达到407,600美元,创4月份的历史新高.2 Despite sky-high borrowing costs, 买家的皇冠博彩(由年轻一代组建新家庭推动)已经超过了待售房屋的供应.


Slow-motion commercial meltdown

远程工作和电子商务(大流行的两个副产品)的扩大大大减少了对办公和零售空间的皇冠博彩, especially in major metros. An estimated $1.2 trillion in commercial loans are maturing in 2024 and 2025, 但低迷的房地产价值,加上高企的融资成本和空置率,可能会让业主难以偿还债务.3 In April 2024, 估计有380亿美元的办公楼受到违约的威胁, foreclosure, or distress, the highest amount since 2012.4

In a televised interview on 60 Minutes in February, 美联储主席鲍威尔说,商业房地产不断增加的损失是一个“相当大的问题”,可能需要数年时间才能解决, but the risks to the financial system appear to be manageable.5

Locked-up housing market

30年期固定抵押贷款的平均利率从3%左右攀升.2022年初为2%,到2023年10月达到近8%的23年高点. 自那以来,抵押贷款利率有所下降,但没有许多人希望的那么多. In May 2024, the average rate hovered around 7%.6

自疫情以来,待售房屋的库存极低, 但全国性的住房短缺问题已经酝酿了几十年. The housing crash devastated the construction industry, and labor shortages, limited land, higher material costs, 当地的建筑限制都被认为是新单户住宅建设长期下降的原因. Freddie Mac estimated the housing shortfall was 3.8 million units in 2021 (most recent data).7

Many homeowners have mortgages with ultra-low rates, 这让他们不愿出售,因为他们必须以更高的利率为下一套房子融资. 这种“锁定效应”加剧了库存短缺,并严重影响了房屋销售. At the same time, 更高的抵押贷款利率和房价已经严重影响了人们的负担能力,并使许多有抱负的首次购房者无法拥有住房.

2024年4月,库存量比前一年增长了16%,但仍然只有3%.5-month supply at the current sales pace. (6个月供应量的市场被视为买家和卖家之间的平衡.)价格在100万美元以上的房屋供应量较上年增长了34%, which may help affluent buyers, 但这对提高入门级住房的负担能力没有多大帮助.8

New construction kicking in

Newly built homes accounted for 33.4% of homes for sale in Q1 2024, down from a peak of 34.5% in 2022, 但这一比例仍是疫情前的两倍左右,主要原因是缺乏待售房屋.9

2024年4月是15年来住房完工总量第二高的月份,有1万套住房完工.6200万套(按年计算),包括单户和多户住宅.10 This may cause apartment vacancies to trend higher, help slow rent growth, 并允许更多的家庭在未来几个月购买全新的住房.

由于2021年和2022年(当时利率很低)开工的多户公寓项目供过于求,租房者看到了解脱,这些项目正逐渐上市. In Q1 2024, the average apartment rent fell to $1,731, 1.8% below the peak in summer 2023.11

Effects weave through the economy

根据一项估计,商业建筑物的建造和管理贡献了2美元.5 trillion to U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), generated $881.并在2023年支持1500万个就业岗位.12 And according to the National Association of Realtors, residential real estate contributed an estimated $4.9 trillion (or 18%) to U.S. 2023年的GDP,每套中等价位的房屋销售产生约12.5万美元. When a home is purchased (new or existing), 它往往会增加家电等与住房相关的支出, furniture, home improvement, and landscaping.13

Both real estate industries employ many types of professionals, 新住宅和新建筑的开发创造了高薪的建筑工作岗位,增加了财产税收入,从而刺激了当地经济. 发展通过增加提供木材等原材料或制造或销售建筑工具的行业的生产和就业,使其他类型的企业(当地和全国)受益, equipment, and components.

Shifts in real estate values, up or down, can influence consumer and business finances, confidence, and spending. And when buying a home seems unattainable, 一些年轻的消费者可能会放弃这个目标,把钱花在其他东西上.

如果利率维持在高位太久,可能会加速商业贷款违约, losses, and bank failures, continue to constrain home sales, 或者最终压低房价——这些结果中的任何一种都有可能削减经济增长. When the Federal Reserve finally begins to cut interest rates, borrowing costs should follow, 但在通胀不再被视为更大的威胁之前,这种情况不太可能发生.